Thursday 24 March 2022


Statement: SAFTU Affiliated Unions In Defense of the SAFTU Constitution and the Unconstitutional Suspension of SAFTU GS


We, the leaders of the unions affiliated to the South African Federation of Trade Unions (SAFTU) and members of the National Executive Committee representing the following SAFTU affiliated Trade Unions,


·       FAWU

·       DETAWU

·       NUPSAW

·       SALIPSWU

·       THORN

·       ICTU

·       CSAAWU

·       DEMAWUSA

·       APSA

·       DEPACU

·       CWAWU

·       TASWU

·       VIWU


We are inspired to learn that another Saftu affiliated Union SACOSWU, has joined us and petitioned the leadership in calling for the retraction of Mac’s letter and hands off our General Secretary and we know that most affiliates will still join us.


We felt it necessary to take this unprecedented step to address our members through this media briefing in order to address a matter that has gained prominence in the public discourse.


A group of factionalists inside our beloved federation decided to leak to the media a misguided and ill-advised letter with the intent to suspend the General Secretary, cde Zwelinzima Vavi. Most of our members have seen this letter penned by the SAFTU President, Mac Chavalala.


The letter mischievously and maliciously sought to portray and smear the SAFTU General Secretary as possibly corrupt and to face a possible suspension to answer to a series of so-called misdemeanours including trampling on the SAFTU Constitution, undermining the decisions of the constitutional structures, assuming the National Congress, Central Committee and the National Executive Committee.


SAFTU is made up of the unions that have come together by nine principles. Amongst these is that the federation will be workers controlled. Worker control amongst others means internal democracy as prescribed by the SAFTU constitution. Each structure is given prescribed responsibilities in what we fondly call the red book of the workers.


In terms of this constitution, the power to suspend the National Office Bearers exclusively resides in the National Executive Committee.   


Clause 3.3.5 of the SAFTU constitution is explicit in dealing with the suspension of an office bearer and it states the following under the power and duties of the National Executive Committee that the NEC may:


“suspend any office-bearer or official of the Federation for sufficient cause until the matter is decided at the next meeting of the Central Committee.”


Furthermore, chapter 9 of the SAFTU constitution under clause 1.2.1 states that the NEC may:


Demand the recall of any National, Provincial, local office bearers or who serve on any outside body if such is demanded by two-thirds of the affiliates, if The member violates the constitution of the Federation or in any way brings it into disrepute; If the Federation consider that the person is working against the best interest of the working class.


Having taken the mentioned constitutional clauses into serious consideration we could only arrive at one conclusion,


We reject with the contempt it deserves the attempt of some National Office Bearers to usurp this power of the National Executive Committee. The SAFTU General Secretary cannot be suspended by his own colleagues. That power to take disciplinary action is a preserve and a sole prerogative of the National Executive Committee.


We place it on record that as affiliates we have directed the General Secretary to disregard the unconstitutional and unmandated letter of intent to place him on a precautionary suspension and continue with his duties as if nothing has happened.  


Our memories are still fresh in remembering that some SAFTU unions were victims of similar practises in COSATU where the constitutions of their unions were simply ignored when factions pursued their reactionary agenda.


The launch of SAFTU was a rejection of these practises that have led to fragmentation of trade unions and the formation of splinter groups that weaken the voice of workers.


We reject bureaucratism even when comoflouged as democratic centralism.


We are opposed to corruption as a matter of principle but we are also opposed to using that principle to advance factional agendas that are designed to collapse the unity of the workers in general and SAFTU in particular. 


As disciplined affiliates of SAFTU, we shall decisively deal with the unprecedented unlawful and unconstitutional conduct of the SAFTU President and his team in the normal SAFTU National Executive Committee scheduled for 24-25 March 2022.


We want to assure our members that SAFTU is here to stay despite the efforts of rogue elements to derail our efforts to build an independent, strong, militant, radical, socialist-oriented and worker-controlled SAFTU.


Our message is very clear, those who are behind the reactionary attempts to collapse SAFTU in the interest of Capital, the State or any other interest must stop now or else they will find us ready and they shall be exposed and defeated.


If they work for someone, we will hit the dog so hard that the owner will have no choice but to come out and as he comes out he/she shall be subjected to the same biting.


Hands off SAFTU hands-off. Hands off Zwelinzima Vavi hands off



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