Friday, 31 July 2020

FAWU Stands With Hospitality Workers

Fawu defends members retrenchments at Hilton Hotel, Cpt

FAWU Condemns Government’s Disregard For Hospitality Sector Workers


Food and Allied Workers’ Union condemns the government’s total disregard for workers employed in  the  liquor and hospitality sectors especially those on wine farms and in restaurants as they are mostly vulnerable workers who already struggle to survive on abhorrently low wages. The COVID-19 lock down had a disastrous effect on tourism which brought the industry to its knees. The recent ban on alcohol served a double blow to the hospitality industry as local restaurants depend on alcohol sales to a large extent.


The government is failing thousands of workers whose employers have duly payed their UIF funds but is still waiting on outstanding payments from the last two months. The level of frustration among the workers’ class are at an all-time high and we see how these frustrations manifest in different protest actions like we have seen in Cape Town in recent days.


The people voted the government into power believing that it will create and protect jobs and now the very same government is destroying jobs by instituting bans that did not take into account the exact devastation it is bound to cause. As trade unions, we fight tooth and nail to protect jobs but this reckless ban is a complete let down by a government that is supposed to serve its people.

Workers in the hospitality industry were already looking losing out on income when the shutdown was initiated in late March this year. They just started working again on 1 June trying to provide for their families just to be dealt another harsh blow. How will these poor workers recover from one hardship after another.


As a government that purportedly cares for its people and believes in “Ubuntu” it is unjustifiable that these bizarre bans brings certain sectors to its knees and destroy so many lives while taking the country backward. As a labour union that joined in the struggle for freedom and democracy in South Africa, we demand that government listen and consult with affected industries and labour unions involved in order to come up with a holistic approach. Government consulted with the education and taxi unions and it is thus mind-baffling why the agriculture and hospitality related sectors are being side lined especially since it is the backbone of the South African economy.

We want government to engage with the sectors to discuss mitigating measures to curb the astronomical job losses due to the ban on alcohol and other products. We are currently dealing with a flurry of retrenchments across the food and beverage sectors as a result of these bans. When people lose their jobs we all lose as a country.


FAWU Stands With Workers In the liquor and hospitality sector!

Saturday, 18 July 2020

FAWU States Alcohol Ban Is At The Expense of Workers

Food and Allied Workers' Union (F.A.W.U.) notes with major dissatisfaction the announcement to immediately ban alcohol by President Cyril Ramaphosa on 12 July 2020 .

FAWU represents the majority of workers in the liquor industry ranging from beer, wine, spirit ciders and the entire value chain,  which in many ways will be adversely affected by the announcement. FAWU members are outraged about this decision as it degrade them as human beings with families who should have been given an opportunity to prepare before complying with the regulations.

This sudden and shocking announcement with immediate effect meant that our members had to at night engage employers to solicit an understanding of not going to work on the following day as workers may be accused of being absent. It meant that those who are night shift workers had to be released to go home at night and it is left for them to make sure they are fully paid, that is if there is transport at night. It meant that those who are truck drivers doing night shift are declared to have broken the law while on the road just after the address of the President.  

On the larger scope of this decision, it means those who are surviving through selling beers in townships and have used the larger part of the money they have to stock beers or other type of alcohol products must see to it as to how they will survive as their last cents would have otherwise been used to buy food for the period of alcohol ban , which they do not know the duration of.

This goes to show how irrational this decision was for having not given people an opportunity to prepare for the decision of the government. The decision was announced with no meaningful consultation with all stakeholders, including unions. Instead, the government only announced the reasons for government to ban alcohol which, on its own, has been questionable as we believe authorities would not have successfully substantiated its reasoning, on the same address by the President.  There was nothing to address on the implications and suffering of workers, in particular those who are employed in the sector. The process towards banning alcohol was therefore a one-sided approach with no regard for the effect on our members and  the industry as a whole.

At one stage, FAWU had to protect its members in the same sector when employers wanted to attack them to reduce their salaries by 10% per employee every month. Workers should not be the ones to fund any shortfall because of this reckless decision of  government while it remains silent on the impact this will have on workers. On the other hand, employers (especially multinational companies) are expected to have had contingency plans during the period within which the businesses were allowed to operate. The government must therefore play its role to mitigate deficiencies that shall be faced by the people of South Africa who survive by selling alcohol.

Since distribution is also banned, some companies do not transport alcohol directly to the market. Some employers may still do primary distribution from manufacturing departments to the depot/warehouse and members have already raised their fears about the  risk of being detained by law enforcement agencies because  this announcement was implemented with immediate effect.

Out of the lowest earners,  one worker supports a family of more than five people and for them it remains the only source of income. The loss of each job contributes to many members of the society being subjected to hunger.

This decision came at a time when government is very much aware that the country had  already exceeded the 10.2 million unemployed persons who already struggle to survive and are now joined by thousands more who are being retrenched. The growth of the unemployment figure is a sure invitation to respond to socio-economic challenges. One of the most important challenge of the government is to accept that the current economic policies do not respond to the crisis of unemployment, poverty, and inequalities.

All decisions by government are by law in the form of regulations as pronounced. On the other hand, government is afraid to put a moratorium to employers on retrenchments or salary and benefit cuts since there is also no law that relating to COVID-19 and retrenchment.  There is nothing lawful or justify dismissing workers on a permanent basis while businesses will continue to operate after lockdown or on some of the other levels unless it is closing for other reasons. The government’s silence on ways to protect the jobs in this sector, is assisting bosses to retrench thousands of workers to be replaced by labour brokers after COVID-19 era and goes against the grain of government’s resolve to stimulate job creation.

There is no law that states that the lowest paid workers should bear the full brunt of COVID-19 challenges. It is amongst the reasons why retrenchments never end, because the low salary of the majority of workers combined with given retrenchment, is too low to even cover the business costs that led to the retrenchment in the first place, whereas senior managers  who are not retrenched yet, are not displaced by law in these processes.

The revenue accumulated by the multinational companies in the alcohol business and other big businesses in the sector and in the interim after the alcohol companies were unbanned, is far higher than a small fraction of taverns and bottles stores in townships. This means the small largely black owned businesses are the one that will be hit hardest as they suffer major financial losses and the government has taken no initiative or saying nothing about them.

On the 24th May 2020 and despite all other calls we have been making for the government to respond on a growing illicit economy, as far back as 2016, nothing thus far has been publicized by the government to respond to this call. This call, is a direct response to protect the lives of the very same people in South Africa the government is expected to protect. Illicit trade does affect this sector particularly in wine and spirits, among others. The billions the government is losing would have otherwise mitigated to fund quality PPE for health care workers amongst other requirements for the protection  of lives if illicit trade is fought against. This can be achieved only if the government accepts our call among other initiatives and respond to this crime. 


  •   Government must involve unions and all stakeholders before any decision is taken and such a decision be accommodative to all stakeholders affected;
  •  The government to issue a moratorium on retrenchments, job cuts, salary and  related benefits cuts;
  •  Employers must ensure workers in non-brewing and non-alcohol jobs are working in safe working environment;
  •  Employers to apportion their revenue that the businesses were accessing during their operation or any funds that were prepared to fund curbing the spread of corona virus for that package to be given to members;
  • The government to pronounce on assisting the informal economy in the sector;
  •   The government to come up with a comprehensive multi-discipline program to address illicit trading in the country.  

For more information, feel free to contact FAWU General Secretary Mngomezulu Mayoyo on 082 440 4039

Released by FAWU Media Liaison Officer Dominique Martin 082 498 5631

Monday, 13 July 2020

FAWU Mourns Eastern Cape Chairperson, Cde Joe Tshewu

We Bid Farewell To A Revolutionary Comrade!

The Food and Allied Workers’ Union(F.A.W.U.) is deeply saddened by the sudden passing of a dear member of our movement , comrade Jongikhaya “Joe” Tsewu, a dedicated and loyal soldier of our trade union for most of his working life.  The comrade sadly succumbed to COVID-19 on Saturday 11 July 2020.

Comrade Joe joined FAWU in the late eighties as an employee of Nestle’ in East London and has since been active as a worker leader in various union structures. Comrade Joe was a born worker leader and quickly rose through the ranks to become the chairperson of the FAWU shop stewards council and full-time shop steward at Nestle’  in East London. He was later elected as the chairperson of the Oscar Mpetha branch in East London before he was elected as provincial chairperson of the Eastern Cape recently.

His roots within the labour movement was founded and crafted by the South African Allied Workers Union (SAAWU) under the leadership of Thozamile Gqwetha, Siza Njekelana, Yure Mngyongolo, Boyce Melithafa, Sicelo Ndlevu and many activists of the Congress movement in and around the then Border area.

He was a disciplined and dedicated cadre of the ANC and led the vicious class struggle unshaken. It is clear that the old guard of the working class is quickly disappearing under the merciless attack of COVID-19. We salute you Cde Joe for a life well lived and great sacrifices made especially during the darkest days of apartheid and the Sebe regime within the Border region.
FAWU will miss you dearly and grant you all the honour you so richly deserve. May your soul rest in eternal peace.

Our sincerest condolences goes out to the family, friends and colleagues of our beloved and humble worker leader cde Joe and our thoughts and prayers are with them during this difficult time.

Released by FAWU General Secretary, Mayoyo Mngomezulu on behalf of the National Office Bearers, National Executive Council, FAWU staff and members.

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